
Half Dozen Assorted Donuts

Half Dozen Assorted Donuts


1 to 5 Donuts - $1.80 ea.

1/2 Dozen - $10.80

7 Donuts - $12.50

8 Donuts - $14.10

9 Donuts - $15.40

10 Donuts - $16.50

11 Donuts - $17.50

One Dozen - $18.25

  • *11 dozen or more are discounted. Please call and order 24 hours in advance.

All prices are subject to change without notice.

Dozen Filled Donuts

Dozen Filled Donuts

Specialty, seasonal & more

Specialty Donuts - $2.15 ea.

Twirls - $2.35 ea. 

CR/CH Iced Twirls - $3.00 ea.

Van/Choc Iced Twirls - $2.55 ea.

1 Dozen Twirls - $27.00

Apple Fritters - $5.30 ea.

Donut Holes - $3.25 pr/dz. 

Cake Holes - $4.25 pr/dz.*

  • *Minimum of 12 dz. of one variety - must call ahead. 

Birthday Donut - $20.00

Birthday Donut Filled - $28.00